Rustic… What kind of rustic? About rustic interiors…
On websites, blogs, interior design magazines you can read and see rustic interiors. Rustic… what kind of rustic interiors? If an article, a post, a picture in a newspaper has caught your attention and the headline in it had this one foreign word “rustic”, we recommend reading it to the end! There will be a few tidbits about what kind of interiors you might call rustic and what extras you need to add to your rooms, hallways, bathrooms and kitchens for a rustic room effect! Perhaps something will inspire you! Come and read it! Rustic… what kind of rustic? First curiosity: where did the name rustic come from? In the professional language of art historians and architects, the word “rustic” is used. This term means the way a wall is worked. To be more precise, the stone cladding that makes the wall look as if it was old. Rustic wall cladding makes the building look raw. Such cladding has already appeared in Renaissance buildings. They were also called “wild” claddings because the treated face of the wall was supposed to imitate a natural stone crowbar. Strangely enough, this was the way to decorate urban Renaissance and Baroque buildings for private and residential purposes, or public buildings rustic style is associated with the decor of country cottages and manors Another interesting fact: what does the word ‘rustic’ mean? in Latin, “rusticalis”, “ruralis” means rural, peasant sometimes with a rustic term, someone understands something made by a craftsman, not an object that