Although we are tied to the traditional Christmas at the family table, surely each of us has thought about going to some charming hut somewhere deep in the forest at least once. Christmas in a rustic style – decoration of the house for Christmas.
But what is attractive in such surroundings? Certainly peace and quiet, but also, a unique, idyllic atmosphere that accompanies Christmas in such a charming environment. Of course, we do not have to leave the city right away for our celebration to be magical too. It is much easier to arrange your own Christmas in a rustic style. How to do it?
Rustic style holidays – charming accessories that will create an atmosphere
Admittedly, it would be difficult for us to turn our flat in the city centre into a charming wooden hut. But a radical redevelopment is not necessary to create a unique and cosy atmosphere for Christmas. For this to happen, we only need a few decorative details that will change the interior.
What will we need?
Because the rustic style is very much in tune with nature, the best motifs will be those that relate to nature, as well as to the winter aura. A trip to the forest (as if to a natural shop) from where we will bring cones, fir or pine twigs, as well as short sticks that can be used to make our own Christmas tree decorations or other Christmas decorations, maybe a good idea.
Rustic style Christmas is very close to nature, so we won’t need shiny garlands, chains or multicoloured baubles. Most of the decorations will be able to be made by ourselves, which will not only give us a lot of satisfaction, save us money, but also put us in a magical, festive mood.
I’m green, that is, without a Christmas tree or a move!
It is known that there is no Christmas without a Christmas tree (preferably alive)! It is a must in every house decorated for Christmas. Green, natural, accessories, also in a rustic style, will do great. Let’s add a bit of red, which is also very strongly associated with the Christmas atmosphere and we have an idea for the arrangement.
And for those who, for various reasons, don’t want to buy a living Christmas tree, we have good news! We can replace it with a wooden version, made of branches or wooden planks. It is easy to do it yourself, but you can also buy it from Christmas shops with Christmas decorations. It will be a perfect decoration in a rustic atmosphere.
Another recipe for rustic Christmas is this: Take a handful of nuts, for example, Italian nuts, add a sprig of Hollywood, a few nice red apples. With their help, we create a beautiful Christmas table decoration. The combination of green with red and beige will look great and will create a truly magical atmosphere, coming from a country hut.
A forest at home – is it possible?
Some people say that the greenery at home is never too much. This truth is particularly true during the holiday season. The rustic style loves nature and Christmas is invariably associated with a fragrant Christmas tree. A pine, spruce or other conifer tree is a must for Christmas decoration.
However, Christmas in a rustic style needs something more. Apart from the traditional tree, it is worth extending the range of decorations with single twigs hanging around the house or Advent wreaths which will decorate our entrance door or Christmas table. Light garlands supplemented with twigs of Hollywood or cones will also be perfect.
Such decorations can also be made by ourselves or by inviting other family members to help. It is a guarantee of great fun and joyful moments with your family. Similar activities themselves create a festive atmosphere and give a foretaste of Christmas dinner and family warmth.
Advent calendar – countdown time
For several years now, a return to counting downtime to Christmas with Advent calendars has been observed. Apart from traditional sweets, various other accessories such as women’s cosmetics or aromatic teas are becoming increasingly popular. Even our four-legged friends have lived to see their version of the calendars!
Few people know, however, that such a calendar can be made on their own by placing delicacies or small gifts that will make the waiting time for this one-of-a-kind day of the year more pleasant.
A hand-made Advent calendar can also be a beautiful decoration. We can use a wooden Christmas tree, to which we attach jute bags or tiny boxes. If we don’t have them at hand, we can buy them in online shops, which offer materials for making the calendar.
Christmas in a rustic style – handmade Christmas tree decorations
It takes a bit of willingness and creativity to do it. For a rustic atmosphere, we can use everyday accessories, for example. The simplest Christmas tree decorations are made from cookie tins. Simply tie them with string and hang them on our tree. These childishly simple and free decorations will look great in our Christmas home.
We can also make decorations from sticks brought from the forest. All you need to do is glue or jute string, with which you can tie the sticks in the shape of a snowflake or a star. These charming decorations can be hung on a Christmas tree or as a window decoration.
Aromatic power
It is well known that Christmas is not only the greenery of the Christmas tree but also beautiful scents! The aroma of gingerbread, Christmas cookies, but also citrus fruit floats in the house long before Christmas. Apart from the fact that it creates a magical atmosphere itself, it can also be a great decoration.
Dried slices of lemons and oranges, cinnamon and cloves can decorate a Christmas table or a window if you hang them on a piece of string.
Rustic Christmas is also an atmospheric light. Nothing builds Christmas magic like the smell and light of candles. Thanks to them we immediately start to feel this extraordinary atmosphere.
Christmas in the spirit of zero waste!
Recently, there has been a lot of talk about being a conscious consumer, who is careful when shopping but also tries to generate as little waste as possible. So why not use at least some of the materials, for example, the jute string with which the chocolates were previously packed, as part of a rustic Christmas decoration? Because of its simplicity and minimalism, we can successfully use the items we have within reach.
The Christmas rustic style is simple and friendly. Most of the decorations can be made by ourselves, using what we pick up on a walk with our family or find in the kitchen drawer – pieces of packing string, ribbons or old, unused decorations. There is a great deal of strength in this simplicity. With its help, we can create a cosy atmosphere full of family warmth and love in our home.